Floating Angel Paradise

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Well, here is my first post, and what a non-eventful one it shall be. I guess I have to start this blog with an explanation of its name, Floating Angel Paradise. Quite simply, floating angels are people who live on earth, but are in fact not people, but angels. Floating angels can be found everywhere, but are mainly found in slums, back alleys, hospitals and shelters, helping the poor, the weak and the unfortunate. They talk to people when they are down, give them solutions to their problems, and generally help people in anyway possible.

However, they are also the ones who do the dirty work of the world. They are the ones who mysteriously kill that 30 year old man down the street, the one who has been arrested 8 times for rape and each time let off because he has a friend in the police force. They are the ones that deal out right from wrong and wrong from right. They are the ones that decided whether things are unfair or not.

Floating angels are different from us. They do not judge, they do not hurt for no reason, and they are there when you need them most. They do not look like anyone in particular, however they are not of any distinguishable sex, nor do they have a precise age, or have any outstanding features.

Do not take this post in the wrong way. I am not some sort of religious freak with random ideas to begin a cult. I am simple a person who will take advantage of this blog to express my ideas, opinions and frightful stories of this sick sad world.

Until next time. . .


At Fri Oct 14, 02:29:00 pm 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Bejf

Your bolg suprisingly makes sence to me.... how do u come up something so informative and my gosh i liked it!!! lol so what exacally is a blog?



At Tue Jan 17, 12:53:00 pm 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard of floating angels once before in a book called, What Happened to Lani Garver. if you want to hear about angels, and how they act, you should read it. it is probaly one of the best books you'll ever read, being that it has angels and that stuff.



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