Floating Angel Paradise

Monday, October 17, 2005


Hell. Such an interesting word. A place, as mentioned in the bible. A swear word, common in today's society. Here are a few different things relating to hell.

Anarchy in heaven, especially in hada, the lowest heaven, where angels torment one another. When an earthly tyrant dies, evil spirits seize his newborn spirit for vengeance's sake, and cast him into hell.

(Courtesy of http://www.angelfire.com/in2/oahspe3/glossary.html)

A place where you get poked with pitchforks by red men with horns and goatlegs and listen to the Village People sing for the rest of eternity.

Satan: Welcome to Hell, sinner! *pokes victim*
*man screams*
Out of nowhere: In the Navy...
(Courtesy of http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hell)

Hell is, according to many religious beliefs, a place or a state of painful suffering. The English word 'hell' comes from the Teutonic 'Hel', which originally meant "to cover" and later referred to the goddess of the Norse underworld, Helgardh. Compare Anglo-Saxon helan and Latin celare = "to hide".

(Courtesy of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell)

1 syllable words which rhyme with hell : behl, bel, bell, belle, cel, cell, chell, clell, del, dell, delle, dwell, dwelle, ehle, el, ell, elle, fehl, fel, fell, frel, gehl, gel, gell, grell, grelle, guel, hehl, helle, jell, kal, kehl, kell, kjell, knell, krell, l, l., lehl, mehl, mel, mell, melle, nel, nell, nelle, pehl, pell, pelle, prell, quell, schell, schmehl, schnell, schnelle, sell, selle, shell, smell, snell, spell, stell, stelle, strehl, strehle, swell, tel, tell, ul, well, welle, yell, yelle, zel, zell, zelle

(Courtesy of http://www.rhymezone.com/r/rhyme.cgi?Word=hell&typeofrhyme=perfect&org1=syl&org2=l)

Entry Word: hell
Function: noun
Text: the place of punishment for the wicked after death (condemned to hell for their sins)
Synonyms: perdition
Related Words: inferno; purgatory;Hadess, netherworld, underworld
Near Antonyms: empyrean; glory
Antonyms: Elysium, heaven, kingdom come, paradise

(Courtesy of http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/thesaurus?book=Thesaurus&va=hell)

Main Entry: hell
Pronunciation: 'hel
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old English helan to conceal, Old High German helan, Latin celare, Greek kalyptein
1 a (1) : a nether world in which the dead continue to exist : Hades (2) : the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which the damned suffer everlasting punishment -- often used in curses or as a generalized term of abuse b Christian Science : error, sin

Now that you understand what hell is, I think it is time you all did some serious thinking. Is hell real? Or is it just a made up concept by churches to scare people into doing the things they want? Can just people go to there? Why would they go there? Is hell really a dungeon like area filled with flames, red demons and pitchforks? Or is it something more complex?

Until next time. . .


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