Floating Angel Paradise

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Well today I am going to be talking about the differences between single sex schools, and co-ed schools.

The Opposite Sex
Single-sex School: AHHHH! Its someone of the opposite sex! How are we supposed to act!! What are we supposed to do!! Quick, lets just say hi and then run away!!

Co-ed School: Opposite sex? What's that? Oh, right, you mean someone with balls/boobs!!!!

Single-sex School: "oh look, a hot guy/girl! Let's ask them out!" is the attitude of the majority of private schooled people. It doesn't matter that this means they will then sit on separate sides of the room and not look at each other, let alone talk.

Co-ed School:"hey look, a single person! Lets ask them out!!" is what most public school people would say. They would then proceed at the next party to get into a massive orgy and then never see each other again.

Single-sex School: Single-sex school people go to a private school, learn everything about manners and then never proceed to use them.

Co-ed School:Learn about manners the hard way, and then always use them, cause if you don't you get bashed.

Single-sex School: Single-sex school people dress in what they think is the fashion. In fact its what all of our younger siblings wear as hand-me-downs.

Co-ed School: Completely up there with the fashions, no matter how disgusting they are!!!

Single-sex School: Single-sex school people have no personality, because they are like drones that do what they are told when they are told. If they had personalities, single-sex schools would not have such good behavior and small amount of personality clashes.

Co-ed School: Co-ed school people have the biggest personalities, whether they are Goth, emo, punk, slut, or random!!!

In truth, co-ed school people are a lot more socially mature and understanding then single-sex school people are. All we can do is hope that one day, they will catch up.

PS: This is not true for all people, however the majority of people from each type of school is like that. Sorry to the people that aren't.

Until next time . . .


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